Do you ever think about what you would do if you were rich? I am not talking about rich in land and assets, values and morals, or livelihood and opportunity. Farmers are already rich in those areas. I
The real estate industry has a well known and accepted saying: Location, location, location. It means the value of a property depends on where it is located, and the price of comparable properties in
Crop protection often refers to the field and to agronomy. In agronomy, crop protection can take different forms, including insecticides or fungicides, with both aiming to maintain plant health when c
With six million genomic tests now recorded at the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding as of February 2022, the dairy community is building a powerful data engine to fuel genetic and breed improvement di
I tell this story to illustrate that we in animal agriculture are losing the game of owning the narrative of a principle that we have been managing long before it was newsworthy
Hoard's Dairyman is edited to inform and educate the American dairy farmer. Its editorial material is focused on commercial dairymen who produce and sell milk. Emphasis in every issue is placed on feeding,...
Dairy animals have long also played their part in the beef supply chain, but in recent years, dairy farmers have stepped up the quality of their contribution
It’s easy to get down when looking at the decline in fluid milk consumption, but it’s not all bad news.“Contrary to popular belief, dairy consumption is in pretty good shape,” said...
Would you know what to do if a crisis — whether an animal rights campaign, natural disaster, or something in between — occurred at your farm or business?
Lolly Lesher testifyingPreparations have begun on a new farm bill and that’s the reason the House Agriculture Committee met on Wednesday, June 22, at the Longworth House Office Building. Presiding...